Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here's to Lyndon...

I was planning on just writing a small blurb on what Lyndon did at Target tonight but as I was looking through all the pictures of him I just could help but get a little sentimental. So Lyndon, here's to you...

He is my little sweetheart. My friend, Amy M., was telling me before Lyndon was born that I was going to love having a boy because he will be my little boyfriend. She was right. How could I have been so lucky? He has always been my little man. I could tell early on that he absolutely adores me. His little face literally lights up when I walk in the room.

He is such a cuddle monkey. He loves to nuzzle his little face in my neck. Right before I put him down to bed I let him turn the light on and off several times. After each time he has to lean over and give me a kiss. I melt. Then I wrap him in his silky blanket and he gives me the biggest hugs. It's one of my favorite times of the day.

He is SO EASY GOING! From day one he slept pretty much through the night. (A gift straight to me from Heavenly Father!) If we were driving in the car and he got hungry, he would fuss a little to let me know and then just wait patiently until I could get to him.

He loves to eat. He will spend a good 45 minutes to an hour actively eating at each meal.

His little giggle and laugh are contagious.

He's a chick magnet. He can't help but attract any lady that is within his smile or laugh radius. He lures them over with his beautiful blue eyes and then keeps them there with his sweet smile and friendly waves. I've had many people tell me he should be in commercials. Can we say, "College fund"?

Now for the Target the toy isle in Target tonight something caught Lyndon's eye and he was off the investigate. I called out for him to stop and wait for me but he didn't even turn around. (Nothing new.) I thought okay, I'm going to get the better of him and pretend that I didn't follow him, make him a little panicked that he wandered off by himself. Well, I ended up following him for a good 10 minutes while he went from toy to toy, isle to isle. He didn't even look up ONCE to see where I was. He knew he was alone and he was nothing less than thrilled. We knew he was happy with is situation when I finally reveled myself to him and said, "Bye Lyndon. See ya later. We're going home", as I slipped out of sight. His response? A half-hearted wave good-bye without even glacing up at me. Good to know where we stand.

Enjoy the photo gallery of Lyndon...above photo courtesy of Gina Adams

I love you buddy.
*I haven't forgotten about Maddie...her tribute will come soon! :)


Amy said...

Oh that little Lyndon is irresistable! Such a sweetheart and the photos are beautiful!

Bullock said...

Such great pictures Katie, he's so darn cute. Love the blog!


caroline said...

He is such a cutie! He does have that power over the ladies already! He's caught my attention many a time at church!

Randi said...

He is so cute! I love the pictures! They totally capture his personality!

Cammie said...

Ha! Ha! The time we went tracting that was hot and humid...wasn't that most days? :)
Lyndon is such a darling little-man! I want to kiss those cute and dirty cheeks!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute- what a great tribute to your little boy. I want to have a son just like him!